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Welcome to ftlog described as "probably the best forum engine in the world!". We are unique in offering a free forum system that requires no installation and involves no advertising.

Not only that, but the forum itself is pretty different to what you might normally be used to. ftlog is not just a web forum! There are other (quicker) ways to connect than a browser alone!

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    Latest News
     ftlogSUS Disabled
    Friday 13 February 2015

    Although the ftlog forums are still supported (11 years and counting!), ftlogSUS has been disabled. ftlogSUS is a Windows-only client designed for viewing the forums over a low-bandwidth network.

    Recent moves to a new server and proxy setup prevent the SUS from working correctly without some significant changes. Since only a handful of users were using this software hopefully the inconvenience will be small. We may reinstate SUS in the future - since it remains a pleasant way to quickly interact with and read the forums - but hopefully now the web-based interfaced should be adequate for the vast majority of users.

    Posted by Jules.

     Support added for Firefox, Chrome, etc.
    Tuesday 12 October 2010

    It may seem a little late, but a few pages have been tidyed up, most notably the thread view - which were often coloured incorrectly in Firefox and Chrome - and particulary obvious in non-standard colour schemes. Now everybody ought to enjoy ftlog as originally designed. :)

    A new forum scheme option has also been added for users as well as forum admins, "Batrac" is a slight variation of the "Blu" scheme.

    Posted by Jules.

    Tuesday 21 July 2009

    The satellite servers have been updated to overcome a bottleneck when SUS clients were syncing for the first time.

    The SUS has also been updated to R637 to allow for significant advances with embedded Internet Explorer.

    Posted by Jules.

     SUS Update
    Friday 2 February 2007

    A patch for the ftlogSUS has been made today, addressing a couple of minor issues. As we have have gained a lot of new users since the last patch, I have posted this news item should any users be confused having not seen the patch operation take place before.

    ftlogSUS has also been moved out of BETA status, given the general stability of development for the past couple of years and continued reliable service it has offered its users during this time.

    Posted by Jules.

     ftlog Becomes Freeware!
    Tuesday 25 April 2006

    ftlog has changed dramatically to a fully freeware system, including the offline "SUS" reader! Note that you may still see areas asking for donations for extra features, but these features are now available to all users.

    As indicated in previous news, ftlog is no longer being developed as a full time job - though any major bugs will of course be rectified. ftlog is used everyday and was recently deployed as the discussion forum engine for the popular online webgame "BATracer".

    You can still provide donations to offset the considerable cost of hosting which I am now paying for personally. Thanks for your support!

    Posted by Jules.

     Current Status
    Saturday 5 November 2005

    Quite a few people have asked me what the state of the project is and can they setup a forum. Well - the answer is... yes!

    Although development is no longer a full time job as it was before, the forum is being used for a raft of other projects. Therefore, this free service will remain online pretty much indefinitely - allowing other individuals to make use of this resource! Occasionally updates will be provided too.

    You can still also contribute to the running costs of it if you wish, which will also give you access to the SUS software forum reader.

    Posted by Jules.

     ftlog Moves to Open BETA
    Thursday 21 October 2004

    The service has now moved to an Open-BETA status! ftlog.org is now open for business, and is effectively a production version open to the public. The BETA status still means there may be a few teething problems, but generally these will be worked out as the system continues to develop - and should not put you off setting up a new forum!

    Posted by Jules.

     Official Support Forum Added
    Thursday 14 October 2004

    Finally, the official support has been added - the first new community since the test and development forum was established several months ago. You can access it via support.ftlog.com.

    Expect it to be a little quiet at first as much of the busy early development feedback was contained in the test forum!

    Posted by Jules.

     BETA Transition Complete
    Tuesday 12 October 2004

    The move to a BETA version is complete, with the various servers hosted in a dedicated data centre and on correct domains.

    The next step is to move to an open-BETA, and let the "great unwashed" in! This is also the first time user-created customer forums can be made and users can operate outside of the development and test area.

    This point will be marked with the creation of a dedicated ftlog.org support forum.

    Posted by Jules.

     Donations Thanks!
    Tuesday 12 October 2004

    Thanks to all those that have donated to the ftlog kitty so far, in what is still a closed project! As the ftlog.org business model is based around donations, it's good to see such support and confidence in the product even at this early stage. Thank you!

    Posted by Jules.

     BETA Transition Begins
    Sunday 3 October 2004

    The gradual transition to BETA has begun. You may have noticed that the donation links are now finally working - thanks to those that have already started using them!

    Over the coming week or so the central server will move to a more permanent dedicated home, with the current development satellite server following shortly to form the first public server for forum hosting.

    Shortly thereafter, the project will officially be considered an open-BETA.

    Posted by Jules.

     BETA Date Set!
    Thursday 30 September 2004

    Well, sort of! It is hoped that we will be into a BETA phase in October, hopefully within the second week if not the first. Between then and now you may also have noticed we are running on a slightly different URL during this transitional phase. When we reach BETA we will finally be running on the ftlog.org URL.

    Once BETA is underway users may begin creating their own forums as required, as well as the small fact that the gates now open to new users from far and wide!

    Posted by Jules.

     Further Delays
    Sunday 8 August 2004

    Unexpected delays in relocation will mean the August deadline will sadly be missed. It is not known when these will be resolved, but hopefully this situation will not last for too long.

    Posted by Jules.

    Monday 19 July 2004

    Well, not so much of a holiday as such - but I am in the process of relocating to "alternative premises". As a result no major updates are expected over the next fortnight or so. Final alpha development will thus conclude in late August.

    Posted by Jules.

     100 Users!
    Wednesday 7 July 2004

    Okay, so it's not much of a milestone but the Alpha test was only ever meant to attract a couple of dozen peeps or so! It's encouraging that some of you are keen to invite friends in to have a go. The 100th user was Mark Nias of Macclesfield.

    When the site actually enters a public BETA we can look forward to the 1000th user as hopefully the foundation to a strong user base.

    Posted by Jules.

     Alpha Test Server Returns!
    Sunday 4 July 2004

    Test server "rayshouse" is now back online for the further testing. Thanks for your patience, and to Ray for flying in from New York to resolve the problem (sort of)!

    Posted by Jules.

     Support Tickets
    Friday 2 July 2004

    A simple Support Ticket system has been added, and is worth testing in the absence of the "rayshouse" satellite server.

    Posted by Jules.

     Welcome to Alpha!
    Friday 2 July 2004

    Bit late perhaps, but a news system has finally been added in the last few weeks of the Alpha test! The main news of course is the absence of the "rayshouse" test server, which will return hopefully within the next day or so. By the time we come to Beta of course, we shall be running on a much more suitable network - this time based in Texas.

    Posted by Jules.

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