ftlog: the free forum network: forum creation faq

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Forum Creation FAQ
  • How do I create a Forum?
  • How long do I have to wait for my forum to be created?
  • How much does a forum cost?
  • What is a typical "very heavy traffic" forum???
  • Can you give any idea of costs for heavy traffic forums?
  • Can I host the forum myself?
  • But I want the domain name of the forum to match my website!
  • But I want to be sure that I will not have to pay a penny! I have my website sitting on a server which I know I can host a forum for free.
  • I am moving my forum to ftlog. Can I get my existing forum messages into your forum?
  • How do I create a Forum?
    Goto the
    create.ftlog.org to learn about our forums. It's actually quite straight forward, and generally just needs you to fill out this form. You will need a ftlog account to create a forum.

    How long do I have to wait for my forum to be created?
    Normally within 24 hours, often much sooner.

    How much does a forum cost?
    It's free. There may be charges for very heavy traffic forums, but these charges are not implemented yet.

    What is a typical "very heavy traffic" forum???
    It's hard to be specific, since the traffic depends on number of users, average number of users online at once, posts a day, and how we manage these on our servers. Our test forums have had approximatly a thousand genuine messages a day, and were perhaps only 10% of the way towards becoming a "heavy" forum. You should use this as a guide.

    Can you give any idea of costs for heavy traffic forums?
    Our business model is not based around charging for forum use, so we would probably introduce a bandwidth cap for the busier forums. There would then be a "bandwidth overage" charge similar to hosting companies. This would be at a very competitive rate - essentially at the cost we buy it in at - and much cheaper than if you were paying for hosting bandwidth charges if you hosted the forum yourself. Exceptionally busy forums may have to be hosted on special heavy traffic servers, or even dedicated servers in some cases. Please contact us if you are unsure and we can make an assessment.

    Can I host the forum myself?
    No, for maximum reliability, performance and security right across the network we host the forums ourselves. There are several benefits to this, namely that you do not have to worry about the technical side of administration, trying to fix failures, struggling with installs, or updating to newer versions.

    But I want the domain name of the forum to match my website!
    Good news! ftlog allows you to enter the domain name of your forum, so that it is recognised by our servers. All you need to do is point the domain (myforum.com) or sub-domain (forum.mywebsite.com) to the relevant IP. For specific advice on this ask on the forum or create a support ticket.

    But I want to be sure that I will not have to pay a penny! I have my website sitting on a server which I know I can host a forum for free.
    ftlog is committed to keeping the forum engine as accessible to as many people as possible. As a result, unless your forum is expected to guzzle hundreds of Gb of traffic you shouldn't have to pay a penny. The amount of free hosting that we provide is consistent or in many cases better than many regular web hosting solutions.

    I am moving my forum to ftlog. Can I get my existing forum messages into your forum?
    Yes, via an import utility which uses a simple text source file. It assumes you can generate the text file from your existing data yourself, or get somebody to do it for you. Please see the
    Conversion Pages here or ask on our Support Forum.

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